Early Childhood Educational Programs

We recognise the Early Learning Years as a critical period in a child’s development.  Our role is to provide a safe and nurturing environment with a play-based educational program that is age and developmentally appropriate, engaging and underpinned by the National Quality Standards of the EYLF Version 2.0. We work closely with parents including their plans for their child’s development in our program and are inspired by the child’s interest as we help guide their learning outcomes.

We know children like being with children

Developing and guiding each childs’ social and emotional development by teaching the values of respect and kindness, inclusiveness and acceptance gives your child the best opportunity to grow and develop and form safe and mutually beneficial friendships as they grow.

We know parents are the most important teacher for their child

Parents and families input is an integral part of our service. We are a family focussed service so we continually seek to have those important conversations with parents which will help us provide the best care and education for each child.

Teddy Bears Child Care Centre Tweed Heads Qld - Dinosaur Wall

Early Childhood Education forms the foundation for children’s learning

We want children to love to learn and we believe the best way to do that is through our Reggio Emilia inspired play-based educational program which stems from children’s interest. Our programs are fun, informative, interactive and allow each child to investigate and learn from what they experience. This gives your child the best opportunity to learn the benefits of being curious and self-guiding in their learning.

Highly qualified and experienced educators

Our educators are well-experienced and highly qualified, chosen specifically for their passion for early childhood education. We have Early Childhood Teachers in our Dolphin (3-4yrs) room and our Preschool room who will guide your child on their journey to shool readiness.

Children are capable and curious learners and we value their voice

Providing nurturing and calm environments helps children to form strong bonds with their educators and fosters an environment of learning, exploration and scaffolding their development and growth. Each room implements a program based on your child’s interests which will challenge them to grow and develop into confident learners.

Natural Environments provide a calm and restive learning space

We love our natural play spaces spread over one acre of land. These spaces include a chicken yard with two chickens (Noodles and Flash), vines to attract endangered Lace-Wing Butterflies and vegetable gardens which the children tend to giving them an appreciation and understanding of freshly grown produce. We promote sustainability with our ‘Waste Free is the way to be’ program which encourages waste free lunchboxes, we have a compost bin for food waste and we limit the use of garbage bags and chemicals in the service.